Monday, December 29, 2008
I have not been updating, as you can see. I have the Phuket trip to talk about, my mum's wedding(she looks gorgeous than ever yesterday), the class bbq and I have the end yr chalet with my father and his friends later. OMG its gonna be sooo fun =D
got a lot of bapok
2 massages(I'm spoilt yes)
ONE MASSAGE BY A BAPOK(yes u read it)
Island hopping is beautiful
Boat ride with hot matsaleh guys(droooooool-.-)
Canoeist Musa is annoying("RRRrina!!"-.-)
Abi says I have abit of boyness in me(I climbed a lot of steep rocks-I should go hiking one day, itd be awesome)
Internet surfing for an hour at the hotel!
Nice pancakes
Our room is haunted
'People' jumping above at night(superloud-cannot sleep)
Prayed and third day, jumping no more-PHEW
Jamban overflowed because of my SISTER's SHIT(AHHHHHHHH!!!!)
bought new cap
bought shoes
bought wedding rings
ladies there were gushing"OH! YOU GET MARRIED MONDAY! I WANT TO SEE!!"
one of them starts calling us darling because my mum kept calling abi darling(haha)
go home
home sweet home!
Class BBQ:
Joseph the (Malique:HORNYBASTARD!)
Chunkiet the ah beng
Ah Lian dunno how to wash things
Judy loves her corn
Mirah the wanderer and very caring friend(love you=))
Natasha the cook
Ikhwan the girl who cannot light matches(Curly long hair proves it all babeh)
Alvin the GUY who can light matches
Shaun the sweetie who brought extra stuff
Camilia the sexy who had to leave halfway
Malique the joker as usual
Syafiq reads porno with jamie O.O
Ken the one who doesnt know to cut the veggies first or wash it-.-
Jamie the OTHER sexy one who taught me how to float, along with ah lian.
Zhong Ming the loser ODAC who dunno how to light things=.=
Swimming and somersaluting in the water
Eating disgusting squid
My mum a gothic makeup do-over(she follows me it seems)
White gown
Tears of relief and letting go the long kept remorse
A new father that is my father but can never replace my original
A new brother who has gone throught the same shit I did
The SAME OLD sister who is sooo bloody irritating and telling me to get off the com right now. =.=
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Omg I haf to tell you a lot of things! First, bout Genting. I took everything scary, don't worry, they're not that scary EXCEPT for space shot. Then I will hafta talk bout tuition stuff, then I'm done. But first I will have to talk a bout a dear friend that I wanna clarify with others.
My dear TJC people, if you happen to pass by this blog, that's great.
I just want to say that yes, first impressions leave a deep mark on people. But give this girl a chance, yeah? Because she may not turn out to be who you expected her to be. She's a great friend that sticks out for people, NEVER betrays them, and yeah, a bit of a perfectionist. But if she has never hurt you in any way, then forget the first impression. Because she is not the kind to purposely hurt or do anything annoying, this comes from a person close to her. Give Syazwani some time and you'll see the other side of her when she warms up to you, please. =) She has stuck through hard times with me and defended me when I was down and misunderstood. I love her.

Mr Bean with my uncannily alike sister. Hm...
Sibyl, Michelle and Anita

How they make tiny cute donuts!

Some camwhoring....=x

Bertram(sibyl:ber-ter-em) and his mum!

Sibyl the psycho and me. Wait, I'm psycho too...

I knew Micaela had the same genes as Mr Bean...

Nigel on a mighty horse.... which needs 50 cent to move.

Sibyl promoting donuts galore!!
Donuts again!

The ferris wheel in the mall...

Pretty boy and paedophile behind....
Okay I'm sooo tired I don't even feel like posting what happened. That said, I think I like geeks.... Go figure about what I wanted to talk about today in the first paragraph.
Now Sibyl has gotten me addicted to this Lady Gaga song:
=I'll follow you until you love me, Papa,paparazzi=
Saturday, December 6, 2008
OMG I have a gazillion stories to tell, but idk where to start.
Firstly, WHAT THE HELL? You guys can't do my quizzes?
Next: I went to a goat farm on Wednesday... It was really lovely. We wen to feed the 'bachelor' goats because the milking mothers were locked up.
After a while, I had the courage to feed them by hand. So I took a handful of leaves- it seems they like leaves more than their stems so i decided to help them by pouring them on my hand- and the mature goats are gentler than the babies, they lick your hand and they're so cute!
Then we went to a vegetable farm- nothing interesting. Anyway Thurs we headed for Desaru in Msia- Best part was the ostrich farm.
SOOOO cute and pretty eyes(llooooong eyelashes) but saw them bully a poor small partially blind one. Poor thing- got pecked at, pushed to the side and they actually started HISSING. Like the SSSSS with their mouths at him. Poor thing was squinting his way thru and probably didn't even know what hit him. =/
Fed them too, with my hands. Their beak is large but not sharp. I'd say the only idiotic animal you wudnt wanna feed is the chicken. The beak is DAMMMN sharp and I had some scratches.
Anyway On morning of Hari Raya Haji I am going Genting. =/ Fun I guess, but I'll miss my mum and the gathering. But I am staying over at my cuz's place for a week so I'll met em later!
Stomachache. Gah... I overate. I didn't want to disappoint my grandmother because she cooked so I ate some of her food, even though I was VERRRY full by the time I came back from ECP. NOw I feel like vomiting.
It sounds like I'm having fun, ne?
Well I just when cycling after receiving my madrasah results.(did okay) and when we were renting bikes, my step sis the clumsy idiot who refused to cycle but skate (her stand: she does not know how to cycle) FELL while going down the slope on the bike shop. Quite steep. SEE THIS is the problem why I don't want to skate. Anyway she just had scrapes on her elbows but what happened after that was scary. She suddenly turned faint and said she couldn't see, wasn't responding or hearing well.
I was like freaked out. And super scared for her. My father carried her to a seat and then she turned ok colour. HAha, Ok colour.
Niwae, both my sis are irritating me to get off the com. SHUT UP. one is asking me what blogger is the other is telling me what to type.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
The person who tagged you ?
Heyya The babidog! (O.O) Oink oink.
Your relationship with him/her ?
MCS member... a friend to go crazy with...HYAHYA
Your five impressions of him/her ?
Hm...Pretty, slow, easygoing, sweet, Hyperactive!
The most memorable thing she/he said to you ?
If he/she become your enemy you will... ?
Be very very sad and torn...=(
What is it that you want to tell her ?
How much I really miss her lame moments and I stare at her like she's an idiot. Wait, she IS one. =DDD
Your overall impression of her/him ?
One word===Blonde.
How do you think people around you feel about you ?
They think I think too much.
The character you love in yourself are ?
Able to make my loved ones happy...
The most ideal person you want to be with ?
Now this is a VERY complicated question. Because I'm in love with a 2D guy. Is that okay? (grins)(Questioner stares at me as if I am alien)
OK. NVM. On the contrary, the characters you hate about yourself ?
Everything except the above. XD Kidddinnnng. I think.
For the people that care and like you, say something to them.
You'll never walk alone. (BUT I SUPPORT CHELSEA OKAYYYYY)
Pass this quiz to the people you wish to know how they feel:
If no.7 & 10 are together, will it be a good thing ?
Syaz and Khai? R U KIDDING ME? ITLL BE AWESOME!!(grins)
What is no.2 doing ?
Yanti? Dunno...she hasn't replied me at all...she can just rot in her own house.
When was the last time you chat with no.3 ? I msg her... Last time I called was about CIP... last Sunday.
What kind of music does no.8 like?
Mai? Uh...I don't even know if she listens to music! Lagu jiwang I guess...XD NYAHAHA
What is no.10 doing now ?
Khai is online.. She does a lot of things online...hmm I'm not sure..'-.-
Is no.7 sexiest person in the world ?
Does no.1 have any pets ?
Amirah? Nah... But she loves cats like I do..
Are no.1 and 5 bestfriends ?
('-.-) Pls don't ask a stupid question. Not all my friends know each other. (Questioner:Ok ok) (looks apologectic)
What colour does no.4 like ?
Kecik eh...Hmm... She's a sporty one... I'm not sure... Must be all the weird colours-HehehXDD
Where does no.4 live ?
Jamie/kecik lives in hougang...
Have you tried developing feelings for no.8 ?
(Questioner:OKOK! I'll stop I'll stop!)
Talk about something for no.1.
You're right. Love sucks. =.= (questioner: oookaaay...)
Where is no.2 studying at ? MJC. She does go to Woodbridge hospital for some lessons though...
Does no.5 & 9 get along well ?
*sharpens knife* (questioner: OH GOD! OKOK I'LL STOP!)
What is no.10 hobby ?
Going out, Chatting, Blogging(sometimes)...Hmm... Other hobbies, not sure... I need to ask her...
What is no.5 surname ?
Tan Chu Ling Jolene. I don't know which is the surname HAHAHAHHAHAHAH
Is no.4 att/sgl ?
Does no.6 have any siblings ?
Yes. One older bro and sis, which she often complains about.